Kamis, 05 Mei 2011

about family

My big family
I was born and grew from a family who have tribes people hobo. Both my parents are also indigenous people hobo. Here I'll introduce my family.

• The first is my father. My father named Hardon Simanungkalit, was born on June 25, 1962 at precisely Kotacane Southeast Aceh. My father was the son of the fifth of seven children consisting of two women and five men. My father began his education from the elementary, junior high schools in kotacane, high school and college bench, he proceeded in Medan. During the he was still in elementary school my dad likes to help his parents in lading, each came home from school he was just repeating the lessons he learned in school and doing tasks that were supplied by teachers. After my father was immediately rushed to kesawah, hoeing and planting the seeds for the harvest to harvest and can be used as a cash payment of school. During the school my father continued to work hard and always save money, because he wanted bersekolaj to get a degree and can work a later day. After graduating from junior high school my father migrated to the field to continue their education. He is a smart father figure in the school so that when he was the lecture was over and after graduation and earn a degree in economics, my father directly in the contract of the company. That's where my father was determined to work hard to get and achieve his goal to become a successful person and to his family

• The second is my mother. My mother named Asrita Berliana Sinagalahir on December 22, 1965 in Medan, North Sumatra. My mother was the second child of seven children of three women and four men. My mother started the education of elementary, junior high school and college bench. During her schooling she is an intelligent person and he also includes persons who during his affluent parents of the child because my mother is a lecturer. My mom just follow the lecture bench until the D3 because the mother wanted to work at the time. When he worked at a shopping center she met my father. During a relationship that they were lovers, and from year to year they were more menjenjang into a more serious relationship. On 30 November 1991 my father and mother establish their relationship by tying them with a pair of ring finger in the church precisely in HKBP Surabaya. And finally my parents in karuniai four children consisting of two women and two men. Here I will introduce my brothers.

• I is the first child of the baby to my parents, my name is Vita Simanungkalit Yesa Martha was born on September 4, 1992 in Surabaya. I began my education from kindergarten, elementary, junior high school, and lectures bench. When I was in school I often moved around the school, it is because the demands of work my father who is a self-employed. During my kindergarten and elementary school I lived in Jakarta and in kindergarten and elementary school Strada, and during my second-grade elementary school class moved to the field and elementary school at Immanuel, after the increase in fourth grade I moved back to Makassar and attended elementary school up to class Bhakti Mulia six there. And I went to junior high school of Gamaliel, and continued high school at SMAN 02. Then I decided to study in Jakarta (depok). When I was in school I was very pleased to follow the activity of extra-curricular held, and I also frequently entered the art studios in the area of ​​the model, during my elementary school my mom often took me to the race and the model was continued until the junior high school at I stopped, because at that very many activities held at schools ranging from tutoring and additional material that is held. And I also have a hobby swim, sing, walk, and a movie. My vision is to complete the next course and get a degree in economics and then worked as well as helping the elderly.

• The second child named Orlando Simanungkalit, my younger brother was born in Jakarta, 20 September 1993. My sister began his education from kindergarten and elementary school in Jakarta and SD Strada Bhakti Mulia makassar, junior Gamaliel Makassar, and SMAN 02 Makassar.

• The third child named Zevanya Simanungkalit, my younger brother was born in Tangerang, 28 December 1994. My sister began his elementary education from kindergarten and elementary school Immanuel Jakarta and Makassar Bhakti Mulia, and Gamaliel junior, and senior country makassarese 02.

• Son of the four named Chaterina Simanungkalit, my sister was born in Makassar, March 25, 2002. My sister has a different distance so far is ten years and now my brother was sitting in fourth grade at Gamaliel

So happy story about family Simanungkalit.

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